Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What’s Really In Pet Food by Tambi Renee

Tambi Renee considers animal health and wellness to be one of the most important aspects of her life. From caring for her own pets to volunteering at animal shelters, Tambi Renee has a considerable devotion to helping animals. Lately, Tambi Renee has been focusing on education surrounding pet food as a way to help animals. Tambi Renee offers the following information about what you might really be feeding your pet in order to help you make informed decisions about pet food.

Poor-Quality Ingredients

Most of us wouldn’t want to eat pet food simply because it’s pet food and not very appetizing - but what comes as a surprise to most is that pet food is, literally, not fit for human consumption according to standards put forth by the FDA. The ingredients in pet food can come from a wide variety of sources that would never make it through standards for human food. Meat might come from dead or diseased animals picked up from farms, ranches, and even animal shelters, it might come from animals with diseases (that could be transferred to your pet), or it might be waste products from the slaughter of animals for human consumption.

Chemical Additives

Pet food tends to be heavily processed and can contain many chemical additives and preservatives, as well as fillers that offer your pet nearly no nutrition. These additives may cause cancer and expose your pet to toxic chemicals at worst and, at best, they simply provide your pet with food that is more empty calories than real nutrition.

Lax Manufacturing Standards

While it’s not physically in the can or bag of pet food, most commercial brands are full of poor manufacturing standards that make it easy for food to become contaminated with bacteria, toxins, or debris that can harm your pet. Because pet food does not follow the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Standards, there is little oversight in this area.

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