There are many social matters Tambi Renee remains aware of
but one of her recent concerns is the frequency of recalls in pet food due to
confirmed or potential Salmonella poisoning. Food safety is important to Tambi
Renee because it affects the quality of life for people and animals. Just
recently, hundreds have been affected by the chicken processing plants in
California. The Salmonella contaminated chicken has made over two hundred
people sick and was consumed by both people and animals.
Tambi Renee remains
focused on a whole issue of pet food matters. One of her focuses is the type of
food people feed their animals. Obviously, the healthier foods are those that
most closely resemble the animals’ natural diet. For some, this means more
animal protein and less of the animal-byproduct people have become increasingly
aware of. Similarly, Tambi Renee wants people to know that giving treats to
animals is fine, but human foods should not be given as treats because some may
be potentially hazardous.
The quality of food truly does matter. Humans want to eat
the best quality foods possible and the same would be said for animals. Tambi
Renee hopes pet owners pay attention to pet food recalls. If there is a health
concern tied to pet food, pet owners should heed all warnings. Some of the
products recalled in the last year include: dry dog food, heartworm medication,
pet jerky, and frozen pet food. Tambi Renee wants pet owners to be aware of pet
food recalls because across the nation, there is a recall nearly every month of
the year.